Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 14

Well Two weeks of crazy Twittering and things are looking good.
I have gained 7544 followers and its becoming very active here.
So far in the 14 days I have managed to make $200. So I guess the systems do work.

I would like to hear of your experiences and together we can find out which schemes are cons and which are legit.

Thanks to those of you that have come and looked at my blog.

Given time I will start to give little gifts to those of you that make regular contributions to this blog.

All the best with your hunt for the big one.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 6

Hey all,

Well 6 days have passed since I started to try to make some pennies from the Internet and believe it or not I've made the princely sum of $34.67, which I'm quite impressed with.
I put in about one hour per day with updates on twitter and so far thats all I've used to gain any financial reward. To date I have 6,612 followers.
I will within the next few weeks expanding into other avenues, I'm am investigating other social networking sites to see what the rules are about running a money making enterprise on these sites.
I will keep you posted.

Please feel free to comment on your experiences.

Best wishes.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hey all,

Welcome to my Blog about internet marketing.

I have been testing some online so called money making schemes and so far have found one or two that do actually involve making a bit of cash.
As I find the real money makers I will post their ads on here.
As you can see I have already posted three ad's that have helped me make some cash.

As time progresses I will keep a running total of any financial gains that I manage to make.

I would like to know if you have had any good experiences but am equally interested if you have had any bad as well.